而是不公平的制度.讓既得利益者失去了良知 很奇怪的選擇
一位我認識的猶太人,他向來在研究台灣的經濟,最近大概受到五都選舉的影響吧,對台灣的政治很感興趣,要我陪他去走走。我利用週末陪他從南到北走一遭,最後,他請我去喝杯咖啡。 我問他對這場選舉觀察的心得是甚麼?他問我五都的經濟狀況,我說台北市、新北市最好,中部及南部比較差。同時,我也告訴他目前的政治狀況、種族比例及政治版圖。這些是他平常比較沒有接觸的東西。 他聽完之後,停了很久,然後說:「積兩千多年的流浪與苦難,猶太人不會簽署 ECFA ,不會投票給中國國民黨,當然也不會支持中國國民黨五都的候選人。這樣的結論無論從經濟或政治的角度都成立。」 我笑著跟他說,「你講的那麼堅定,難道不怕我提供的資訊有誤嗎?我可是綠軍支持者,對藍綠雙方的資訊是可能扭曲的。」 他也笑了,然後很嚴肅的回答我,「我知道你提供的資訊可能不夠公正,但請不要輕忽猶太人兩千多年的苦難所粹煉出來的敏感。今天以色列人在世界各地之所以不被欺負,並不是大家反省希特勒對猶太人的慘烈屠殺,所出現的徹底反省。」 「因為如果有這樣的反省,在二次世界大戰之後,應該不會再出現像希特勒那樣的獸行,但依舊存在現今世界上。」 「當然也不是猶太人在美國金融業與媒體業的強大影響力,導致其他國家怕以色列。因為猶太人在美國、西歐這樣的經濟與媒體優勢,並不是現在才有,戰前就有了,為何戰後才發揮效果?」 「猶太人今天的處境,就是有一個猶太人組成的國家──以色列,所有歧視、欺壓猶太人的行為,都有這樣的政治勢力出面發聲,然後其他挺猶太人的勢力,包括美國及歐洲一些猶太人組織才有辦法將聲音拉到最大,讓世界都聽到。」 「你說前幾年,台灣有一個飲料名稱叫『吸特樂』,就是拿它和『希特勒』同音的效果做宣傳,但很快的,這一個飲料就消失了。不是美國媒體發聲,而是以色列駐台單位去外交部抗議所致。」 「獨立國家的政治力量,才是捍衛猶太人在世界各地權益的最主要力量。」 「台灣人民若要增強他們的力量,包括台灣人,我講的是住在台灣的這一群人,不是你們俗稱的台灣鶴佬人或本地人,就是要有一個獨立的國家在替你們撐腰。」 「即令這一群人可能散居在世界各地,然而,就是那樣的一個國家存在,這一群人將在世界各個角落受到世界公民完全平等的待遇。」 我追問:許多住在台灣的外省人,也就是 mainlander ,都認為要和中國結合在一起,他們才有安全感。因為國家強大才能保護他們的權益。台灣太弱 了,保有這樣的國家固然不是他們心中所想,即令讓台灣存在,在他們移民國外後,台灣這個政府不管叫中華民國或台灣共和國,都沒有能力保護他們的權益。 這位猶太人說:「那是錯誤的。只要一個政府出面保護他的人民,或者他的人民在國外,他的政府以保護僑民的理由出面,這都是國際問題。只要是國際問題,就必須接受國際法的規範。」 「國際法是由國際認可的規則,各國都接受。從人權來看,伊拉克打科威特與塞爾維亞對科索伏的種族屠殺,前者比較輕,後者比較重。比較伊拉克與塞爾維亞兩國,國力及後面的支持力量的強弱,都很清楚,修理伊拉克比較困難,修理塞爾維亞比較簡單。」 「歐洲及美國要出手修理塞爾維亞需要一大堆的國際法程序,但修理伊拉克卻不要。因為科威特是個獨立國家,要替科威特出面,僅需要依照國際法就可以了。即令他已經亡國,都可以出兵修理伊拉克。」 「但科索伏不是,攻打塞爾維亞違反國際項規定,必須尋找不一樣的國際法解釋及各種強權之間的互相協調才可以。」 「強國在國際法中不一定有超強的作用,但不是國家或政治獨立單位,就很難得到國際法的保障。」 「親中派、泛藍軍認為,依附、成為中國的國民,也是受國家保護,為何一定要由中華民國或台灣共和國保護呢?」我接著追問。 這位猶太人說:「一大堆國土、人口比你們台灣大、多的國家國民,為何在很多國家中被歧視、修理?並不是他們的國家不夠大、強,而是他們的國家根本不重視人權,不保護僑民。」 「至於國家保不保護自己的國民,那就不要問我,你叫他們去看中國近五十年來的政治運動就知道了。在中國,到底是中國人比較受保護?還是外國人?」 「你們台灣很強調的小說家陳若曦,若不是有外國國籍,或者有綿密的海外關係,他能夠全身自共產中國逃出來嗎?」 我最後追問他一件事情,「你們猶太人最懂得理財、經濟,請你從經濟角度去看藍軍應不應該支持中國國民黨?」 他停了很久,最後說:「我也很難理解。他們很多人都有很高的學歷,卻有錯誤的選擇,至少從我的角度來看是這樣。」 「你講泛藍軍很多都是軍事人員、公務人員及教育人員,這些人的工作都涉及到國家忠誠度的問題,即令很傑出,也很難到其他國家從事相同工作。所以,讓這個國家、這個政府存在是對他們最有利的選擇。」 「全世界的軍公教人員其實都是這一個國家最強烈的支持者。然而,在台灣,這一群人卻支持勾結敵對國家、想要消滅這一個國家的政黨,讓自己陷入危機。」 「按照過去資料,政治面臨滅國危機,被滅國家的軍公教人員,向來都被視為對新政府最不忠誠的一群,不僅工作被剝奪,甚至生命財產也不被保障。」 我跟他說:「不要講得那麼恐怖,你就講經濟方面的問題就好。」他真的嚇到我了。 他說:「這也很難理解。 ECFA 讓許多大企業移到中國,在台灣的中小企業紛紛倒閉,移轉到中國,那政府向誰課稅呢?如果稅收不足,一定無法發出退休金,那軍公教那群人的退休金會不會縮水?甚至領不到呢?國家滅亡了,軍公教人員的退休金跟誰拿?」 「退休金,找誰拿呢?」這是一位猶太人對台灣軍公教人員最忠誠的理財忠告。 (放棄版權,歡迎轉載)
A bit of the Jews, he has always been in the study of Taiwan's economy has recently been five are probably elections, on Taiwan's political interest to accompany him to walk. I spent the weekend with him go from North to South, finally, he invited me to drink a cup of coffee.
I asked him on the field experience of election observation? he asked me five are State of the economy, I said, the new Taipei, Taipei City, Central and southern best relatively poor. I also told him that the current political status, racial and political landscape. These are his usual comparison no contact.
After listening to him, stopped for a long time, and then say: 「introduction accumulated more than two thousand years of wandering and suffering, the Jews will not be signed ECFA, does not vote for the Chinese nationalist party, of course, does not support all of the Chinese Kuomintang five candidates. This conclusion in terms of economic or political perspective is established. 」
I smiled and told him that you speak so 「introduction firm, do not fear my information is wrong? I'm green army of supporters on both sides of blue and green are likely to distort information. 」
He smiled, then a serious answer me, I know you provide 「introduction of information may not be enough just, but please don't neglect the suffering of the Jews more than two thousand years the event chain out of sensitive. Today Israel people all over the world have not been bullied, and not everyone thought Hitler on the tragic massacre of Jews, by thorough reflection. 」
「Cold because if there is such a reflection, in the second world war, should no longer occur like Hitler as reported, but still exist in the world. 」
「Introduction of course not the Jews in the United States financial services industry and the strong influence of the media industry, resulting in other countries are afraid of Israel. Because the Jews in the United States, Western Europe's economic and media advantages, not only now, before the war had, why is only effective after the war? 」
「Cold Jews today, is composed of a Jewish State of Israel-, all discrimination, oppression of the Jews, have come forward to voice of political forces, and other very Jewish forces, including the United States and some European Jewish organizations is the only way to set the sound to the maximum, let the world hear. 」
「Cold you said a few years ago, Taiwan has a drink name called 『 suction-Lok 』, take it and 『 Hitler 』 is a homonym of publicity, but soon, a beverage. Is not a United States media voice, but Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan unit to protest. 」
「Cold independent national political force, is to defend the interests of Jews throughout the world as one of the main forces. 」
「Cold Taiwan people to increase their forces, including the Taiwan people, I'm talking about living in Taiwan for this group of people, not you commonly known as Taiwan Hoklo people or local people to have an independent State in the backing for you. 」
「Cold that make this a group of people may be scattered throughout the world, however, is that a country's existence, these people will be in every corner of the world is full of world citizens treated on an equal basis. 」
My inquiry about: many live in Taiwan provincial, mainlander, were of the view that you want to and China together, they have a sense of security. Because the country strong in order to protect their interests. Taiwan too weak to maintain such a country is certainly not their mind, that is, make Taiwan exist, after their emigration abroad, call the Government regardless of Taiwan Republic of China or Taiwan Republic, has the capacity to protect their interests.
The Jews say: 「introduction that is wrong. As long as a Government to protect his people, or his people in foreign countries, his Government to protect nationals reasons, these are international problems. As long as it is an international problem, you must accept the norms of international law. 」
「Cold international law is composed of internationally accepted rules, all countries are accepted. From a human rights perspective, Kuwait and Iraq beat Serbia on Koso Volt genocide, the former is relatively light, which is heavy. Comparison between Iraq and Serbia, strength and support forces behind the strong or weak, are very clear, it is difficult to repair, repairing Iraq Serbia is relatively simple. 」
「Cold European and United States to release fix Serbia needs a lot of international programs, but they do not repair Iraq. As Kuwait is an independent State for Kuwait, only in accordance with international law. That is, that he had died out, you can repair the Iraq war. 」
「Cold but Koso Volt, attack Serbia international provisions, must find a different interpretation of international law and the various power co-ordination between. 」
「One power under international law does not necessarily have a strong role, but is not a State or political independent organization, it is difficult to obtain international protection. 」
「Cold pro-China faction, the pan-blue that attachment, to become China's citizens, but also are protected by the State, why must consist of the Republic of China or Taiwan Republic protection? 」 I then pressed.
The Jews said: a lot of land 「introduction, population than you Taiwan, many countries nationals, why in many countries, discrimination, repair? not their country is not large, strong, but their countries do not pay attention to human rights, protection of citizens. 」
「Business as regards national insurance does not protect their own nationals, that don't ask me, you tell them to go to China for nearly 50 years of political campaigns. In China, it is relatively protected? or foreigners? 」
「Cold you Taiwan is emphasized by the novelist Tuann, if not a foreign nationality, or have a tightly overseas relations, he was able to systemic escape from Communist China? 」
I finally asked him for one thing, 「introduction you Jews most understand the financial, economic, from an economic perspective to see blue should support the Kuomintang? 」
He stopped for a long time, finally said: 「introduction I also difficult to understand. They have a lot of people have a very high degree, there is the wrong choice, at least from my point of view. 」
「Cold you pan-blue many military personnel, public officials and educators who work involves national loyalty, namely the very distinguished, is also difficult to other countries in the same work. So, let this country, the Government is in their best interest. 」
「Cold accoraing worldwide are actually this country's strongest supporters. However, in Taiwan, this group of people support the collusion of hostile countries, want to destroy this country's political parties to make themselves in crisis. 」
「Business as past data, political crisis, facing off State is off State accoraing, have always been regarded as the new Government the least loyal group not only deprived of work, or even life property not be guaranteed. 」
I said to him: 「introduction don't speak so terrifying that you talk about economic issues. 」 He really scare me.
He said: it is also difficult to 「introduction. Many large enterprises ECFA moved to China, small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan, transfer succumbed to China, the Government who taxation? if not, we cannot tax issue pension, that army Catholic group's pension will shrink even led to? country perished, accoraing pension and who get? 」
「Cold pension, who get? 」 this is Jewish on Taiwan accoraing most loyal financial advice.
(Waiver of copyright, you are welcome to reprint)