1 .“我們是99%。”──“佔領華爾街”運動的口號 2 .“這個國家沒人能夠憑一己之力致富﹐沒有任何人。你自己建了一家工廠──挺好!但要記住:你的產品是通過大家付錢修起來的馬路運出去的﹐你用的工人是大家花錢教育的﹐保護你工廠安全的警察和消防員隊伍是大家納稅支撐起來的。”──摘自2011年8月美國候選參議員伊麗莎白•沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)在馬薩諸塞州安度華市(Andover)的一次演講 3 .“我和朋友們已經受到親近億萬富翁的美國國會悉心照顧太久了。”──摘自2011年8月15日《紐約時報》(New York Times)刊發的億萬富翁沃倫•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的一篇特稿 作為一名全天候的財富觀察者﹐今年我還發現了一些可圈可點的財富名言。當然﹐它們並不全是反對富人的。 下面是我從2011年《華爾街日報》的“財富報告”(Wealth Report)專欄中選出的排名第四到第10的給力名言: 4 .“他是個有錢人﹐一個非常有錢的人。如果你在蒂芙尼(Tiffany)的採購金額達到50萬美元﹐那就不屬於美國的中產階層了。”──資產淨值1.6億美元以上的米特•羅姆尼(Mitt Romney)對身家稍遜的百萬富翁紐特•金里奇(Newt Gingrich)的評價 5 .“與其把有錢人視為一塊自私自利、麻木不仁、需要國家敲打敲打的頑石﹐不如確定一種社會基調﹐鼓勵抱有善意的有錢人和普通人相互理解﹐達成妥協。”──摘自投資專家利昂•庫珀曼(Leon Cooperman)致奧巴馬總統(President Obama)的公開信 6 .“我支付的個稅佔我應稅收入的53%﹐其中36%交給聯邦政府層面﹐17%交給州和當地政府層面。”──私募股權基金首席執行長史蒂夫•舒瓦茲曼(Steve Schwarzman)談對富人多徵稅的問題 7 .“當商人吹噓他們創造了就業崗位時﹐就像松鼠吹噓自己啟動了物種進化。事實上﹐這個順序是正好倒過來的。”──支持對富人徵稅的企業家尼克•漢諾爾(Nick Hanauer) 8 .“這可能是家庭法院(Family Court)有史以來做出的最大金額的贍養判決。”──曼哈頓家庭法院助理法官麥修•特洛伊(Matthew Troy)談及琳達•伊萬格麗斯塔(Linda Evangelista)要求給她三歲的孩子每月46,000美元的贍養費一案 9 .“對那些一夜成名或一夜暴富的人來說﹐整個世界往往變得更黑暗、更狹窄和更尖刻。這是一個悖論﹐難以令人產生同情心﹐但千真萬確。”──摘自英國百萬富翁菲利克斯•丹尼斯(Felix Dennis)的新書《狹路》(The Narrow Road) 10 .“吃完它只花了15分鐘﹐但它的餘味將令我終生回味。”──商人卡爾•魏寧格爾(Carl Weininger)談自己吃下一個售價為34,000美元的布丁後的感覺 你今年最喜歡的財富名言有哪些呢? from Robert Frank
The number one, two and three quotes were all about the rich, or more specifically, about the anti-rich. They were, in order: 1 . “We are the 99 percent.” ─ slogan of Occupy movement. 2 . “There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there ─ good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.” ─ U.S. Sen. candidate Elizabeth Warren, speaking in Andover, Mass., in August. 3 . “My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.” ─ Billionaire Warren Buffett, in a New York Times op-ed on Aug. 15. As a full-time Wealth Watcher, I spotted some other quotes that should rank right up there. And not all were anti-rich. To round out the top 10, here are seven my favorites from this year’s Wealth Report: 4 .“He’s a wealthy man, a very wealthy man. If you have a half a million dollar purchase from Tiffany’s, you’re not a middle class American.” ─ Mitt Romney (net worth $160 million plus on lesser millionaire Newt Gingrich) 5 .“Rather than assume that the wealthy are a monolithic, selfish and unfeeling lot who must be subjugated by the force of the state, set a tone that encourages people of good will to meet in the middle.” ─ Leon Cooperman, open letter to President Obama. 6 .“My personal taxes are 53% of my taxable income. That’s 36% on the federal level and 17% for state and local.” ─ Private-equity chief Steve Schwarzman on taxing the rich more. 7 .“When businesspeople take credit for creating jobs, it is like squirrels taking credit for creating evolution. In fact, it’s the other way around.” ─ Nick Hanauer, entrepreneur who supports higher taxes on the wealthy. 8 .“That would probably be the largest support order in the history of the Family Court,” ─ Manhattan Family Court Support Magistrate Matthew Troy, on Linda Evangelista’s request for $46,000 a month in child support for her three-year old. 9 .“As with the onset of sudden celebrity, for the newly rich, the world often becomes a darker, narrower, less generous place; a paradox that elicits scant sympathy, but is nonetheless true.” ─ British millionaire Felix Dennis in his new book “The Narrow Road.” 10 .“It only lasted 15 minutes but the flavors will last in the memory forever.” ─ Businessman Carl Weininger after eating his $34,000 pudding. What are some of your favorite wealth quotes of the year?