對於膠水、清潔劑、溶劑...等化學用品不能含甲苯、苯類化學物質之規定, 此已執行多年, 請確實遵守 :
RE: Solvent Vapors in Shipping Containers window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot('/22590772197/pc_textbottom', [1, 1], 'div-gpt-ad-1639353180888-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); googletag.enableServices(); }); googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1639353180888-0'); });
It has been Wolverine policy for many years that all solvent based primers, cleaners and cements are toluene free and so we are alarmed that toluene has b een found to be a problem. We have recently been given atmospheric sampling results for cartons of footwear from two factories and these have both shown unacceptable levels of solvent and formaldehyde vapors.
1) E nsure all solvent based products DO NOT contain toluene or benzene. This includes primers, cements and any solvent cleaners that are used at the end of the making line.
2) Take steps to avoid soiling of uppers and outsoles during shoemaking so as to eliminate the need to clean before packing.
3) Use water based (possibly citrus) cleaners wherever possible.
4) If solvent cleaners are necessary e nsure they do not contain toluene (or other aromatics) and that they contain low boiling point solvents.
5) Ensure solvent based cleaners are dried off by passing footwear t h rough heater tunnels before placing them in shoe boxes.
6) Contact material suppliers to ensure that none of the materials (including packaging) that you use will give rise to formaldehyde vapors during shipping of footwear.
Further actions:
We are arranging for our shipping agent to carry out random checks on cartons of footwear when they arrive at the CFS facility in Shenzhen.
If measurements that they take show cartons to contain solvent vapors, the responsible factory will be asked to arrange for collection and drying/airing of the shipment before it can be shipped.
If the time taken to correct the fault results in shipping dates being missed, the responsible factory will then be responsible for arranging shipment by air to ensure that our customers receive the footwear on time .