今年無花果已經慢慢進入採收了 . 即刻起也接受電話訂購(產量初期不多需要排單照順序出貨). 有關於無花果售價(10多年來已經跟不上物價多次調漲與波動 ) 幾經多次家族會議商討結果出爐了. 售價"一台斤300元"整.如需宅配運費另計喔! (黑貓宅配今年運費也有調漲喔).
This year the figs has been slowly starting to harvest, yes! The demand for figs has been growing every year, for fresh figs immediately please order by phone in the first place (the early production of the need to row only in the order of shipping). There is no change price on our figs in the latest more than 10 years, this year has been unable to keep up with the old price, so after several meetings to discuss the new price result is NT300 a pound. For direct shipping, freight separately. (This year the freight shipping also increase).