跤趾陶發展沿革史--- 中英對照版

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跤趾陶發展沿革史 跤趾陶乃低火度燒成的軟陶器,於公元前四,五千年埃及麥 拿王朝文物中即有綠釉陶器,後有青色釉發明,公元前一千八百 至一千年時代,時為我國殷商時代而卻未有施釉之燒土器.後再 傳入亞細亞,經大月氏,于闐著國而進任中國北方,構成漢綠陶, 漢武帝建元二年,張鶱出使西域,打開中西文化交流,玻璃與軟 陶即為其一,續因佛教傳入而形成唐朝三彩陶,且又經天竺,日 南寺南蠻諸國,再經交趾支即而入廣州,形成中國南方之跤趾陶. 跤趾陶乃集中國南方一帶之繪畫,雕塑,燒陶於一身的藝術. 日據時代日人將葉王的作品送往法國巴黎參加世界萬國博覽會, 標為---台灣燒,入選評定為台灣絕技與東洋國寶,因日人對經窯 燒之器稱為燒,故又名跤趾燒,此後名聲大噪,受國內外藝術界重 視,遂成台灣國寶之一. 台灣之跤趾陶,源自廣東陶窯體系,更早則可溯自石灣窯,屬 於多彩軟陶,於清道光咸豐年間,隨福建廣東移民流入台灣,影響 甚大,尤其是廟宇的與建最為大宗,忠孝節義,佛神典聖故事,更 是廟宇建築藝術最重要的一環.台灣發展史中,葉王乃此中佼佼 者,其對跤趾雕塑及釉藥研究自成一格,所製陶器技巧絕倫,彩色 之美尤稱獨步,因其造詣深厚,用心潛研,而名聲遠播.

The development history of Chiaochih pottey Chiaochih pottery is one kind of soft pottery burnt by fire of low temperature which has been found as an green glaze pottery among the cultural products of Maina Dynasty of Egypt in 4000 to 5000 years B.C.,then there was invention of blue glaze in 1800 to 2000 years B.C., the time was in the Yin and Chou Dynasties in old China. however ,there were no burnt clay implements and with glaze on which in china. After that,the blue glaze was dissminated into Asia,though such countries as Ta Jou Chih and Yu Tien into northern Chuna and formed green pottery of Han Dynasty. In the Chien Yuan 2nd year of Emperor Han Wu,Chang Chien was an embassor to the region of west Tunghunag who opened the intercourse between Chinese culture and which of the region of west Tunghuang,glass and soft pottery are two of which,later because the propagation of propagation of Buddism that formed Tang San Tang San Tsai pottery,the because the San Tsai pottery was again disseminated though Nanman ccountries such as Tien Chu and Jihnan,then Chiaochih into Kwangchou that fotmed Chiaochih Pottery of southern China. Chiaochih pottery is an art which concentrated painting,suclpture and burnt pottery of southern China.In Taiwan colonized time, Japanese sent Mr.Yen Wang'works to France for attending the world Trade Fair and marked which as"Taiwanese Burnt"and wese critized as "Taiwan excellent skill","Oriental national treasury",becaaause Japanese called food containers burnt in klin as "burnt",so it also known as"Chiaochih Burnt".Later,its fame was very popular and considered important by foreigh and local art circles that resulted in one of national treasury of Taiwan. Chiaochih pottery of Taiwan was origined form the system of Kwangtung pottery kiln,and in early time could source from shihwan Kiln, ehich belongs to colorful soft pottery,during Taokang and Hsienfeng years of Ching Dynasty,which followed Kwangtung immigrants into Taiwan to affect the architecture industry in Taiwan very much ,in particular the building of temple, among which the decroration of temple,such as the stories about loyal to coutry,filial to one's parents,nd integrity as well as the sacrid Buddha and Gods that are even the most important links of arhitectural art of temple. In the development history of Chiaochih Pottery of Taiwan,Mr.Yeh Wang is the remarkable one who has his own style about the research on sculpture and glaze of Chiaochin pottrty,the pottery made by him has excelletn skill,its beautifl color is unique,Yeh Wang having such achievement,just because of his profound attainment and efforts in research,je displyed the base of color glaze utmostly that his fame was spread far and wide,and who appointed comptetively by temples of all districtsin Taiwan,there are his works in part temples in Chia-I and Hsuehchia.

漢唐跤趾藝術社  劉佳玲整理

賜教專線 : 0937 - 799 - 513 .
