劉佳玲簡介-中英 一位衷於跤趾陶藝術的女子,投入心血與智慧,融入 生命與耐性,在經過漫長鑽研旅程中脫穎而的女子---劉 佳玲. 她的作品融合了古風與新技,更加諸自我風格,題材 力求創新,首次結合跤趾陶和石灣陶,取石灣對人物表情 , 筋骨股肉之細膩詮釋,結合燦爛晶瑩,閃耀著琉璃光, 如寶石般瑰麗的跤趾陶獨特釉彩,搭配其新作---十八羅 漢中之(降龍羅漢)及(伏虎羅漢),更強調出手工細膩及 耐心刻劃. 她目前創作有萬壽無疆九龍盤,立式平安獅爐,角端 聚寶盆,吉祥對獅,半面附框禮盒等.精巧絕倫,樣式廣泛 , 受典藏家心目中之珍愛. BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO LIU CHIA-LING Liu chia-Ling---a girl devoted to the Vietnam pottery artes who has input her thoughts and wisdom as well as mixed into her life patience now stands out through a pretty long process of research. In her works,the traditional style and modern techbiques are combibed plus her own taste and innovated subjects.The works are the first combination of the Vietnam pottery and shih wan pottery adopting Shih Wan pottery's delicate explanation of personal expressions and bones/musicle, fused wi h brilliantly splendid the Vietnam glaze which is glittering as colored glaze and resplendent as gems,furthermore matched with "dragon-co-nquering guard"and "tiger-catching guard"among her new works---eighteen buddha guards, which even specially emphasized the delicacy of her handicrafts workmanship and patient carving. The works she recently accomplished inclnde :long life nine-dragon plate,big standing lion-shape stove,horned worshipping stove,auspicious couple lions and half-sided gift box with frame,which all are matchlessly exquisite with the styles cherished by a number of collectors.
漢唐跤趾藝術社 劉佳玲跤趾陶工作室
賜教專線 : 0937 - 799 - 513 .