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被國泰錄取的伙伴們 請注意看一下內容ㄛ!





Thank you for attending the selection interviews held in Taiwan, in August 2008 for our Flight Attendant position.

This e-mail serves to advise you that Cathay Pacific Airways Limited is prepared to offer you the position of Flight Attendant subject to your signing of the contract of employment mentioned below.

For your advanced information, I have summarized some of the main provisions that may be applicable to your employment as follows:

a) The contract of employment is fixed for three years but terminable by either party with notice in accordance with the terms of the formal offer letter and conditions of service.  In addition, you will be on probation for the first six months of your employment. Upon satisfactory completion of your contract, you may be offered a further contract of employment for five years, subject to various factors including but not limited to your performance, attendance, operational and resource needs of the Company and other factors as may be determined by the Company.


b) Our offer of employment is conditional on you obtaining a valid work permit from the Hong Kong Immigration Department, the results of the pre-employment checks that are required by the Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department and [background checks being completed to the satisfaction of the Company].


c) Your salary during the five-week Induction Training Course will be HK$7000 per month.

《受訓五週,月薪為港幣 7000 元》

d) The prevailing payment rate for Block Hours (flying pay) and Ground Duty Allowance during probation are HK$103.3 and HK$51.65 per hour. After probation, the payment rate will be adjusted to HK$119.7 and HK$59.85 per hour for Block Hours (flying pay) and for Ground Duty Allowance respectively.  The minimum guaranteed flying pay per calendar month is the equivalent amount of 70 Block Hours. (For reference only, our cabin attendants are normally rostered to fly approxi m! ately 85 block hours per month.  Together with Ground Duty Allowance and Outport Allowance, their monthly salary is about HK$16,000. Both Pay and flying hours are subject to operational arrangements.)

《試用期飛行加給每小時港幣 103 點 3 元,地面待命任務加給為每小時港幣 51 點 65 元;試用期過後調整為飛行加給每小時港幣 119 點 7 元,地面待命任務加給為每小時港幣 59 點 85 元,每月最低基本飛行時數為 70 小時,國泰空服處目前空服員平均飛時為每月 85 小時。所以平均一個約約領薪資為港幣 16000 元。》

e) Non-local cabin attendants will receive housing assistance in accordance with the Housing Benefits Policy, as applicable to you, and as amended from time to time. The current policy provides that cabin attendants recruited from outside Hong Kong who are based in Hong Kong will be provided housing assistance for a maximum of 8 years.


f) You will be entitled to join the Company's flexible benefits scheme after the completion of the probationary period. Current offerings include medical coverage, retirement schemes and various insurance plans. One of the unique benefits is discounted travel for staff.


Subject to your acceptance of our formal offer of employment and meeting all the conditions attached to the offer, we will arrange for you to attend the Flight Attendant Induction Training Course commencing on 15 December 2008, when your employment with Cathay Pacific Airways Limited will formally begin.

《 2008 年 12 月 15 日起開始地面學科受訓》

Prior to the Induction Training Course, we would like to invite you to join a Pre-Training Briefing in Hong Kong on 10 December 2008. Following this, you are welcome to attend two voluntary pre-course workshops to better equip yourself for the Induction Training. The Pre-Training briefing and workshop days will not form part of your employment with Cathay Pacific Airways Limited, but we will arrange for you to fly to Hong Kong on 09 December 2008.

《國泰將於 2008 年 12 月 10 日於香港總部簡報有關受訓細節,也會於 2008 年 12 月 9 日安排錄取者機票事宜到香港報到聽取簡報》

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at any time.


If you are prepared to accept the offer of employment that we intend to make to you, we would like to invite you to attend a Pre-Course Briefing in which a formal job offer, your Conditions of Service, and information about training and moving to Hong Kong will be provided.

The Pre-Course Briefing will take place on:

Date: 16 Oct 2008

Time: 2:30-4:30 p.m.

Venue:  Cathay Pacific Airways Limited Taiwan Branch, Conference Room (please locate signage), 12th Floor,  129, Min Sheng East Road, Section 3, Taipei

《受訓前的簡報在台灣的時間訂為 2008 年 10 月 16 日下午 2:30-4:00 於台北市市民生東路三段 129 號 12 樓國泰航空台灣分公司》

For planning purpose, we would be most grateful if you could kindly indicate by e-mail before 30 September 2008, whether you will attend the Pre-Course Briefing and are prepared to accept the offer of employment that we intend to make to you. Please also advise whether you are able to travel to Hong Kong on 09 December 2008 for the Pre-Training Briefing and workshop days mentioned above.

《請於 2008 年 9 月 30 日前伊妹ㄦ告知以上所列之行前三項事誼》 --- ※這項很重要※

Best Regards,

Brian Tsoi

Career Development and Resourcing Manager

for Cathay Pacific Airways Limited

Note: This e-mail does NOT form part of the offer of employment from Cathay Pacific Airways Limited.

《這只是通知函而不是正式合約,所以務必於 2008 年 9 月 30 日前回函,以利國泰的前置作業》


Visit www.cathaypacific.com/experience for a virtual tour of our 3 new cabins
