Sharing my own magic experience of completely curing hepatitis B

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I'm sharing here my own magic experience of curing hepatitis B (Evolved from life-time HBsAg carrier to HBsAb carrier). I hope this will be helpful to other people with the same problem as I had.

It was the spring of 1995, when I was studying in the US. At that time, I stayed up 3 days in a row finishing my thesis. I was over-tired, and found my hepatitis B broke out. In fact I had been diagnosed as a latent hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) carrier when I was in high school. My whole family was 'ordered' to receive blood tests by my eldest sister, who was a medicine school student. The blood tests showed that Mom was an HBsAg carrier, and there was a fair share among 4 siblings of us: 2 with HBsAg, and 2 with hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb). So it was a vertical infection, meaning Mom passed the virus to us during birth delivery. I remembered I went donating blood, making it a memorial date of legal age on my 18-year-old birthday (rules allow blood donation only after age 18). Because I failed the later blood test, my blood got 'rejected', which made me sad for quite a while....

A vertical carrier like me usually carries the virus till death, so a vertical carrier is usually called a life-time carrier. It is not sure that a vertical carrier will always suffer break-out (onset) of hepatitis B.  Some people never have onset of hepatitis B and get along with the virus for life. But if there is situation of low immunity such as infection, drinking, fatique, wounds, or hunger, and the virus starts to attack liver cells and causes inflammation during life, 但是如果有遭遇感染、飲酒、疲勞、外傷、飢餓等因素降低人體的扺抗力,B 型肝炎病毒開始攻擊肝臟細胞,出現肝炎症狀,就稱之為『發病』。一般情況下,一旦垂直感染帶原者的 B 型肝炎開始發病,因為免疫系統已經與 B 型肝炎病毒相處了許久時間,完全不認為 B 型肝炎病毒是該殺的,因此肝臟發炎的情況便會從此一直持續下去;肝臟組織經過了長時間的發炎、結痂歷程之後,會演變成肝硬化及肝癌,歷時大約20年左右,所以 B 型肝炎引發的肝癌患者死亡年齡大多在50~60歲之間。歷年來因肝癌過世的名人時有所聞,像藝人陳一郎、一代烹飪大師傅培梅和知名DJ大衛王,都是與長期肝炎有關。

The probability for a vertical carrier to evolve HBsAb (completely cure hepatitis B) is that rarity of rarities!

記得那時在美國出現發燒、疲倦、黑尿的狀況時候,我沒有驚慌失措,只是心知肚明:不妙了。過了兩個月情況還沒改善,我開始尋求醫師協助,結果遇到我們麻省大學附設醫院腸胃肝膽科醫生 - 也是我的貴人:Herbert Bonkovsky 醫師。

Dr. Herbert Bonkovsky

(LOL~ The same look as I met him~ didn't get any older)

Bonkovsky 醫師當時正在研究鐵質對於肝臟疾病的相互影響,是鐵質異常疾病研究的先驅與權威 (註)。他發現肝炎患者的肝臟細胞內鐵質含量有偏高現象,我那時也做了肝臟穿刺檢驗,確認我的肝臟細胞的鐵質含量的確有偏高現象。這個鐵質異常現象是由肝炎所引起,同時也降低了肝細胞的活性,這亦解釋了為何垂直感染帶原者的肝炎一旦發病便完全無法停止:因為肝細胞的活性不足,加上免疫系統相對於 B 型肝炎病毒的時間性鈍化。

Herbert Bonkovsky 醫師決定讓我先接受降鐵治療 (iron depletion),然後注射干擾素。他的病人都是這樣治療,得到的效果比單純注射干擾素更佳。我自己也做了很多功課,泡在醫學院圖書館裡好幾個星期,搜尋並研讀醫學期刊,結果發現東方人 (specially for life-tume carriers) 治療 B 型肝炎時,外加一道類固醇治療,效果比單純注射干擾素更佳。於是我嘗試說服 Bonkovsky 醫師,在降鐵治療後再加一道類固醇治療。一開始他不置可否,後來我拿著準備好的 paper 解釋給他聽,他答應了!一個沒有任何實務經驗的學生說服權威醫師改變療程,it's quite extraordinary!

然後,2 星期的放血(降鐵)治療於焉展開,每星期放三次每次放血250 cc。開始幾次去到學校的醫務室放血,護士們都覺得很誇張;可能是後來醫生有向他們解釋 (還是我向他們解釋的... 忘了),後來護士們都噓寒問暖的關心的要命,不過還真的放到後來頭都暈暈的。那時候還有點出現『英雄』的形象,真是有趣。放血完畢,經過再次的肝臟穿刺確認放血方法已經達到降鐵效果後,開始服用 2 星期的類固醇;這麼短時間的類固醇倒是沒有任何副作用。

經過一小段休止期後,接下來的重頭戲 - 干擾素 - 就在第一次打完,癱在客廳全身發燒、無力、四肢痠痛... 的副作用下開始了。我注射的方式是每天打 5百萬單位,自己打在自己肚皮上,第一次幫自己打針,感覺很新鮮、也很沮喪... 那時常常坐在門口發呆,美國老房東並不知道我所經歷的一切,只認為我可能是無法承受論文的壓力而在逃避,她還說:"Sam, it's a shame if you don't finish your thesis." 她那會了解一個年輕人知道自己壽命只剩 20 年時的心情,那真真確確是覺得『人生是黑白的』呀... 我還要繼續唸書嗎?我還要結婚嗎?我還要生小孩嗎?我還有人生嗎...

Acute side effects such as fever, fatique, sore limbs, etc., faded gradually in the latter two weeks, and chronic ones followed. Of them the most serious one is the hair loss problem. 干擾素預計打 4 個月,但只打了 2 個月,因為頭髮掉的太厲害,還有就是藥太貴,超過保險 cover 範圍。1995 年 10 月停藥後回台灣休息了半年開始工作,隨後的定期追蹤發現持續的情況改善:不久肝指數回復正常,大約 1997 年 E 抗原消失,2000 年 S 抗原消失,2002 年檢測出 S 抗體,等於是 B 型肝炎終身帶原者完全痊癒!後來還有跟 Bonkovsky 醫師連絡,告訴他這個好消息,他也很替我高興。

自我從事生技產業、了解更專業的生技醫藥知識後,現在回想起來,這個特殊療程的理論,應該是放血回復肝細胞活性,類固醇抑制免疫系統,加上干擾素起動免疫系統,形成一個假性的急性發病,讓免疫系統與肝臟細胞重新認識 B 型肝炎病毒,進而產生抗體。因為肝炎病毒作怪速度很慢,所以抗體產生的速度也慢;這解釋了為何前後花了 7 年才產生S抗體。

1/28 第二次捐血 - 相隔上次已過了 20年了。這幾年來看到捐血車,總想走上去,但都怕再次被『退貨』。這天從捐血車『旁邊』走過,心裡一橫,就給它走了上去。果然沒錯,護士們看到我寫的病歷,還互相討論了半天,才讓我捐。沒多久,台灣血液基金會寄來通知,說我的血液被接受了!Thank God! 感謝老天讓我那麼年輕時就發病,讓我有足夠的免疫能量產生這麼大的正面反應!

Sorry to post this experience so late after the result... In fact, when I first knew my S anti-body appeared, I'd like very much to share my own experienc with everyone, but it's not so easy at that time. With so many channels nowadays such as blogs, I'm here sharing my experience with everybody. I hope there are kind-hearted people from different countries to translate this article into Japanese, Korean, Philippino, Thai, Hindi, Malay, etc., to help thousands thousands of hepatitis patients with the same style in their own coutries!

Gonna make blood donation again on 4/29!

PS. Dr. Herbert Bonkovsky is presently the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board, Iron Disorders Institute, Greenville, South Carolina -
