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來自地球村的一封心海的消息 ……


筆名:小樓(羅)昨夜又東(台灣台東風景怡人,民風誠實、普實、又人人樂觀喜愛唱山歌,又不失上進心)風,萬事俱備祇欠東風,敬上。 2010.7.4 日星期日( a 2004a [email protected] )聯絡我


今日引用慈濟基金會精神糧食中心文章 敬上

靜思 36 機智無私的老人

分類: 靜思

2009/02/16 13:38

機智無私的老人 幾十年前,在日本一個臨海的小山村裡,發生一件很感人的故事 ── 某年七月,山下的寺院舉行法會,所有村民都去參加了,只有住在山頂的八十多歲老人和孫子不便遠行,留在家裡。 近黃昏時,老人走出房子散步。陣陣山風吹來,老人覺得奇怪,風吹在身上黏黏的,和平常不同;忽然他感到有地震,雖然不強,但和平常的地震也不一樣,是慢慢地發生,也緩緩地搖盪,他從來不曾遇到這麼奇怪的地震。 老人想起小時候阿公曾告訴他,如果遠方發生大地震,這裡也會感到震動。他不經意地望向海面 …… 咦?海水怎麼變成黑色?而且海浪和平日不同 ── 平常的海浪是從遠而近,一波波地捲來又退去;現在卻像一層堅硬的牆壁,愈來愈近! 不得了!這一定是阿公說的 ── 大地震引起的大海嘯! 老人趕緊叫孫子拿火把來,然後毫不猶豫地引燃剛收成的稻穀和一堆堆乾草,火勢一下子就蔓延到倉庫 …… 當時所有村民正聚在海邊看變色的海水,一發現山上失火了,紛紛跑上山來要滅火,老人卻阻止大家滅火。山下的村民繼續衝上山來,直到全村的人都到齊了,老人才讓大家滅火。 村民問老人為什麼會失火?為什麼阻止大家滅火?老人的孫子在一旁害怕地說:「阿公瘋了!一直點火!」 老人指著海面說:「你們看!」大家轉頭一看,不禁嚇得目瞪口呆 …… 海水似千軍萬馬般衝上海岸,山下所有房子都像火柴盒一樣在水上漂浮。幾十分鐘後,海水才慢慢退去,所有房子也隨著流入海裡了。 這時村民才明白,老人點火燒了自己所有稻穀和倉庫,是為了拯救大家啊! 【上人的叮嚀】 時時刻刻用心地聆聽、觀察、思考,才能在緊急狀況發生時,發揮智慧幫助自己及別人度過難關。 引用 慈濟基金會 精神糧食中心 敬上

From a global village one's inner world news ......

The distant place good friend you are good, hope the global village friend who receives my letter, has the good start, the good achievement every day, that feared that is a dot progress achievement, expressed that you were also merry on this Earth have lived meaningful life for one day, prayed for heavenly blessing the friends 'to think that the matter became', was forever safe joyfully! Pen name: Young Lou (Luo) also east (Taiwan Taitung scenery joy person, common social practice was last night honest, Pu solid, everybody optimistically liked sings folk song, did not lose the desire to do better) the wind, all things ready 祇 owes the east wind, presented respectfully. after 2010.7.4 dates (a 2004a 1027@ yahoo.com.tw) contacts on Sunday my our Republic of China's Malaysian president takes office, from pushes a program, once a week rules a nation the week to record, today I also come each week email weekly, how? Tries to do one time, everybody exchanges the attainment mutually, should compare the political figure bored mouth water battle to be much better? Today quotes the Ciji foundation energetic grain center article to present respectfully reflected on that 36 quick-witted selfless old people classify: Reflected on that 2009/02/16 13:38 quick-witted selfless old person several dozens years ago, in Japanese one near in the sea small mountain village, has a very touching story ── some year in July, under the mountain temple holds the Buddhist meeting, all villagers participated, only then lives in summit over 80 year-old person and the grandson takes a long journey inconveniently, remains at home. When near dusk, old person goes out the house to take a walk. The intermittent mountain breeze blow comes, old person thinks strangely, the breeze blow mounts on the body, with ordinary different; He feels suddenly has the earthquake, although is not strong, but is dissimilar with the ordinary earthquake, is occurs slowly, also tosses slowly, he always not once came across the such strange earthquake. Old person remembered paternal grandfather once to tell him in childhood, if the distant place had the big earthquake, here will also feel the vibration. He looks carelessly to the sea level ......Well? How does the sea water turn the black color? Moreover the ocean waves day for peace different ── ordinary ocean waves are from are far and are near, a wave football field volume retreats; Now actually looks like a hard wall, is getting more and more near! Serious! This was certainly paternal grandfather says the big Tsunami which ── the big earthquake caused! Old person hurries to be called the grandson to take the flare to come, then ignited just the crop rough rice and pile of hay without hesitation, the fire intensity spreads all of a sudden to the warehouse ...... At that time possessed the villagers to gather in the seashore looked that the color deterioration the sea water, on a discovery mountain has caught fire, ran in abundance climbs mountains must fight fire, old person actually prevented everybody fire fighting. Under the mountain villagers continue to flush climb mountains, has arrived in full until the entire villiage people, old person only then lets everybody fire fighting. The villagers asked why old person will catch fire? Why prevents everybody fire fighting? Old person's grandson was afraid in the one side said: “paternal grandfather was insane! Continuously ignition!” Old person pointed at the sea level saying:“you look!”As soon as everybody turns the head to look that is unable to restrain to frighten dumbfoundedly ......The sea water resembles the mighty force to rush to the seacoast, under the mountain all houses looks like the matchbox in aquatic to float equally. Several dozens minutes later, the sea water only then slowly retreats, all houses also along with inflow nautical mile. The villagers were by now clear, old person ignited has burnt oneself all rough rice and the warehouse, was to save everybody! [on person's urge] Listens respectfully to, the observation, the ponder attentively all the time, can when the panic stations occur, the display wisdom helped itself and others pull through. Quotes the Ciji foundation energetic grain center to present respectfully
