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TO devoted: 1.too much to bear! 2.What a surprising everybody. 3. I am grateful. 我很感謝/感恩 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 奉獻 (詞:楊立德 曲:翁孝良 演唱:蘇芮) For 長路奉獻給遠方 玫瑰奉獻給愛情 我拿什麼奉獻給你 我的愛人 Long paths are for the distance, roses are for love, My love, what do I have for you? 白雲奉獻給草場 江河奉獻給(海洋嗎??) 我拿什麼奉獻給你 我的朋友 Clouds are for the greenfields, rivers are for the oceans. My friend, what do I have for you? 我拿什麼奉獻給你 我不停的問 我不停的找 不停的想 I can't stop asking, searching, and thinking, what do I have for you? 白鴿奉獻給藍天 星光奉獻給長夜 我拿什麼奉獻給你 我的小孩 Doves are for the blue sky, star lights are for the endless nights. My child, what do I have for you? 雨季奉獻給大地 歲月奉獻給季節 我拿什麼奉獻給你 我的爹娘 Rains are for the mother earth, ages are for the seasons, Mom, dad, what do I have for you?





http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8a_DElqJpo ]

