南韓「吃狗」擬合法 直擊畫面曝光 更新日期:2008/04/08 12:25 范文欽 在歐美、日本或台灣,都已經立法禁止吃香肉,但最近南韓卻傳出政府打算讓吃狗肉合法化,當地的保育團體今天到台灣求救,希望發起一人一信,寫給南韓新總統李明博,呼籲不要立法,讓人類文明倒退,同時還公佈一段虐狗、殺狗甚至販售的殘忍畫面,要大家伸出援手,救救人類最好的朋友。 破舊、髒亂,如同廢墟,還夾雜狗兒此起彼落的哀嚎聲,這是保育人士直擊南韓一處飼養場所拍攝到的畫面,而接下來的鏡頭,看了更令人不忍。 台灣動物研究會執行長朱增宏:「屠宰牠的時候,用上吊、用電擊、用直接宰殺,這些都出現在現在的狀況裡。」 數不清的大黃狗,被肉販拗成U字型關在籠子裡,一旁還有消費者當場選貨挑定這條黃金獵犬,準備帶走,而業者就這麼把牠又拉又摔丟進狗籠,送到屠宰場之後,再用繩子勒斃,慘無人道。 保育人士說,也許為了禦寒或壯陽,南韓每年要吃掉200萬條狗,其中以黃金獵犬、拉布拉多等大黃狗最多,就連約克夏、可卡或馬爾濟斯等小型犬也沒放過,走進這個首爾最大的集散地牡丹市場,狗肉交易就跟賣豬肉一樣平常,農場出貨一條台幣1500,到了零售市場一斤賣60元,一條大黃狗要價6700元。 眼看5月南韓新國會就可能將吃狗肉合法化,當地的保育人士向外求援,希望台灣人一人一信寫給李明博,別讓人類文明因此倒退。 ------------------------------------------- (中央社記者馮昭台北八日電)由於韓國首爾市政府研擬透過立法將狗納入畜產食用項目,韓國動物保護團體今天尋求台灣動物社會研究會、犬髖關節狗友會等動保團體和立法委員協助,希望透過一人一信給韓國總統李明博,以及國會連署等方式,呼籲韓國政府不要做出錯誤的決策。 韓國維護地球動物權益協會(CARE)代表朴素妍表示,1988年韓國舉辦奧運時,一度將狗肉列為不可食用項目,但奧運結束後,狗肉店恢復營業,首爾市政府認為既然有人食用狗肉,就應該管理。 朴素妍指出,部分韓國人認為,寵物狗和肉狗不同,但事實上,市場販售的狗來源很多,有的人將家裡養的賣到市場,有些是被遺棄的狗。不只土狗被當成肉狗,黃金獵犬、約克夏、馬爾濟斯等寵物犬也會被食用。估計首爾市一年宰殺兩百萬隻狗。 農場賣狗一隻大約韓幣三至五萬元(約新台幣一千五百元),屠宰賣到市場後一斤肉約韓幣一千七百元( 約新台幣六十元),一隻大黃狗可賣到韓幣十五至二十萬元(約新台幣六千七百元),利益可觀。 韓國維護地球動物權益協會和韓國動物保護聯盟 (KAAP)並在記者會上公布韓國市場販賣、屠狗的照片和影片,待宰的狗被強塞到鐵籠內幾乎無法動彈。 朴素妍指出,肉狗繁殖場環境髒亂,有些狗食是廚餘或發霉的麵包,有的飼養場為避免狗因警戒而吠叫,用針刺小狗耳朵,破壞聽力。 台灣動保團體則帶來多隻健康活潑的黃金獵犬、貴賓狗,大狗小狗玩在一起,形成強烈對比。 今年三月二十四日,首爾市政府發表「狗肉衛生管理政策」,將狗列為家畜項目,預計五月舉辦聽證會後,將向中央政府提案修改「畜產品加工處理法」,立法將狗納入畜產食用項目。韓國動保團體三月二十五日、二十六日曾在首爾市政廳前表達強烈抗議,最近更緊急向台灣、泰國、新加坡和日本等亞洲國家尋求協助。 970408 韓國總統辦公室(青瓦台):[email protected] 韓國時報:[email protected] 韓國首爾市政府各辦公室: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 這裡有信件範本可以供大家寄信時使用內文: 反對韓國立法通過開放吃狗肉。 Object to S.Korea's legislating through eating dog's meat Object to legislating through eating dog's meat open 韓國是文明國家,不是野蠻國家。 S.Korea is the national civilization, not the barbarous country. 吃狗肉是野蠻民族才有的行為。 It is the behavior that the barbarous nationality has to eat dog's meat. 保護動物,尊重生命。 Protected animals, respect the life. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
標題:懇請韓國立法禁吃狗貓肉 Stop Korea from legalizing dog meat consumption 信箱: [email protected] 敬致韓國總統李明博先生: 總統先生您好,首先恭喜您當選韓國新任總統!當舉世注目您上任後將推動的政經改革與政績表現時,我們同時聽到了一個令人擔憂震驚的消息──貴國的首都首爾市政府於今年3月24日,對外發表了「狗肉衛生管理政策」,將「狗」列為家畜項目!並預計在4月份韓國國會大選結束,於5月舉辦相關聽證程序後,隨即向中央政府提議修改「畜產品加工處理法」,正式立法將狗納入畜產食用項目。為此,貴國的動保團體也曾於3月25、26日集結在首爾市政廳前表達強烈抗議。 韓國的高科技產業和電子產品行銷全球,包括各種娛樂、飲食與旅遊產業在內的「韓流」,也增加亞洲各國人民對韓國的高度興趣,成為亞洲高文化和創意素質的表徵。然而,在亞洲和世界各國許多人都將狗視為同伴,如果貴國真的立法將狗列為「家畜」,這將會是全世界第一個「將狗肉合法化」的國家,您也將是世界文明史上第一個將「狗」變成「肉用動物」的大統領!這將不僅傷害貴國—也會傷害全世界關心動物權益和文明發展的人士。 韓國的文化和創意水平,韓國的各種產品、觀光、娛樂節目,在我們心目中的地位和價值,也會大大的降低,甚至最後演變成為「反韓流」! 狗就是狗,無論是生物學上或現實生活上,並沒有寵物犬、伴侶犬或是肉狗之分。台灣、香港、菲律賓、泰國等也都已立法禁吃狗肉。雖然在亞洲,仍有少數國家和地區的人民把狗肉當作食物,但平均而言,生活水平都遠不如韓國,迄今也沒有任何一個國家透過「國家法律」,將吃狗肉的行為「合法化」! 人類飼養狗和貓作為夥伴,已至少有一萬兩千年以上的歷史,在過去2、30年來,人類動物互動科學(anthrozoology)並逐漸集結出共識:同伴動物對人類在心理和生理健康上具有貢獻,牠們可以給人類親密性和支持性,緩和人們慢性生活壓力對健康的負面影響,進而達到保護和對抗一些疾病。當代犯罪社會學也逐漸認知到,動物虐待和家庭、兒童暴力具有高度關連。一旦狗成為可以隨時宰殺成為肉用的動物,所帶來的社會和教育心理衝擊,將無法想像。 在人類社會文明的進程裡,人們不斷反省其在自然、萬物中的許多殘酷行為。在環保的議題中,「肉」已被指為高碳食物,畜牧業也是溫室效應氣體的主要來源。為了打造一個更為人道的社會,為了人類文明的永續,身為地球公民的一份子,我們竭誠希望貴國政府千萬不要做出錯誤的決策,讓人類文明發展後退!同時為此錯誤政策,而影響了貴國對外的經貿發展!此外,我們希望貴國政府能儘速立法禁吃狗肉,以提升韓國的動物福利。 Dear President Lee Myung-bak: Greetings, and first of all congratulations on becoming the new president of Korea! While people all around the world have been paying close attention to the political and economic reforms you are promoting and to your political performance and achievements, we have heard a worrying, shocking piece of news – on the 24th of March this year Seoul Metropolitan Government announced a “Dog Meat Hygiene Management Policy”, which lists dogs as “livestock”! And it is also expected that, that after Korea’s parliamentary elections end in April, and after holding a related hearing in May, a proposal will be made immediately to the Central Government to amend the “Livestock Products Processing Act”, officially legislating that dog meat be listed as a livestock product. Therefore, animal protection groups from your country gathered in front of Seoul City Hall on March 25th and 26th to protest. Korea’s hi-tech and electronic products are sold throughout the world, and the so-called “Korean Wave”, which includes all kinds of entertainment, food and tourism industries, has also greatly increased the interest of people all across Asia in Korea, helping characterize Korea as a country of great culture and originality. However, many people in Asia and the rest of the world see dogs as companions, and if you do indeed legislate that dogs are to be listed as “livestock”, this will make Korea the first country in the world to legalize dog meat consumption, and will make you the first national leader in the history of civilization to list dogs as “animals for consumption”! This will not only harm your country, it will also hurt all the people in the world who care about animal rights and civilized development. Our perception of the status and value of Korean culture and creativity, and of all Korean products, tourism and entertainment programs will suffer a great negative impact, and this may even lead to an “Anti-Korean Wave”! Dogs are simply dogs, and no matter whether in biological theory or in real life, they are not divided into pet dogs, companion dogs and edible dogs. Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Thailand have all already legally banned the consumption of dog meat. Although there are still a few countries and people in Asia who still consume dog meat, their living standards are, on average, far lower than those of Korea, and until now there has never been a country which has, through national law, legalized the act of eating dog meat! People have raised dogs and cats as companions for at least twelve thousand years, and in the last 20 or 30 years, “anthrozoology” has gradually brought about a consensus: companion animals bring psychological and physical benefits to humans. They can give humans intimacy and support, alleviate the negative health impacts of stress, and also enhance people’s ability to prevent and resist disease. Modern day Criminal Sociology is also drawing the conclusion that there is a high degree of correlation between cruelty to animals and domestic violence and child abuse. Once dogs become animals that can be freely butchered for their meat, there will be unimaginable negative social and educational impacts on public psychology. In the course of civilization, humans always reflect upon the many cruelties of nature. Amongst the issues of environmental protection, “meat” has already been labeled a high-carbon food, and livestock farming is a major source of greenhouse gases. In order to create a more humane society, and for the sake of the sustainability of human civilization, we as co-citizens of this planet hope with all sincerity that your government will under no circumstances make this mistaken decision, causing humanity take a step backwards on the road to civilized development, and at the same time impacting on Korea’s foreign trade development. In addition, we hope that your government can, as soon as possible, prohibit the consumption of dog meat, in order to enhance animal welfare in Korea. Signed= Country=台灣 Date= 網址:http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!f4bRgmSaEQe.FJDSlA1jcLgEoIY-/article?mid=1620