Fish to fry 需要處理的事情 英解:have problems to be dealt with 當你跟朋友說「我還有魚要煎」,就表示你「還有事情要處理」。 處理一些事情 I've got a meeting with my coworker later, and we have some fish to fry. 我待會兒要跟同事開會,我們要處理一些事情。 有事情要處理 Suzie wants to have a serious talk with her boyfriend. Sounds like she has some fish to fry. 蘇西想跟她男朋友談正事。看來她有一些事情要處理。 還有事要忙 I'm too busy to go out tonight because I've got other fish to fry. 我今晚忙到沒有時間外出,因為我還有別的事情要忙。 還有事情要辦 I won't waster my time arguing with her. I have bigger fish to fry. 我不會浪費時間跟她爭辯,我還有更重要的事情要辦。 手頭上有事情 They're very busy in the office because they have a lot of fish to fry this week. 他們在辦公室裡很忙,因為他們這個禮拜手頭上有很多事情。
1. Sorry, I don't quite get it. 抱歉,我不太懂耶。 2. Can you speak a little more slowly? 你可以說慢一點嗎? 3. How do you say "手機" in English? 「手機」的英文怎麼說? 4. What do you call this in English? 這個東西的英文怎麼說? 5. Sorry, I don't understand. Can you repeat that? 抱歉,我不懂。你可以再說一遍嗎? 6. Can you use some easier words? 你可不可以用一些簡單一點的字? 7. How do you pronounce that word? 那個字怎麼唸? 8. I don't know how to say it in English. 我不知道它的英文怎麼說。 9. Sorry, I don't know how to express this in English. 抱歉,我不曉得這個要怎麼用英文表達。 10. What does that mean? 那是什麼意思?