Auto Lisp 快速上手 - 007

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Conversions 轉換

Angtos 角度轉成字串

Takes an angle in radians and converts it into a string, into a specific format.

Angtos Mode Format :

0 Degrees 度

1 Degrees/minutes/seconds 度 / 分 / 秒

2 Grads

3 Radians 弳

4 Surveyor's units

Assuming variable a has an angle in radians. eg:

(angtos a 0 0) returns "180"

(angtos a 0 4) returns "180.0000"

(angtos a 1 4) returns "180d0"0""

Fix 將數值轉換成整數

This function returns the convention of a real number to an Integer. eg:

(fix 8) returns 8

(fix 8.6) returns 8

Float 將數值轉換成實數

This function returns the convention of an Integer to a real number. (One can use either real or an Integer.) eg:

(float 8) returns 8.0000

(float 8.6) returns 8.6000

Ascii 字串第一個字元的『 ASCII 』碼

Returns the convention of the first character of a string into its ASCII character code. (An Integer) eg:

(ascii "a") returns 65

(ascii "BLUE") returns 66

Chr 整數所對應的 ASCII 單一字串

Returns the convention of an Integer representing an ASCII character code into a single character string. eg:

(chr 65) returns "A"

(chr 66) returns "B"

Atof 字串轉成實數值

Returns the convention of a string into a real number . eg:

(atof "9.3") returns 9.3000

(atof "2") returns 2.0000

Rtos 實數轉成字串

Returns the convention of a real number to a string into a

specified format.

Rtos Mode Format

1 Scientific 科學

2 Decimal 十進位

3 Engineering(feet & decimal inches) 工程

4 Architectural(feet & fractional inches) 建築

5 Arbituary fractional units 分數

The real number can be set according to mode and precision . eg:

(rtos 7.2 1 4) returns "7.200OE+00"

(rtos 7.2 2 2) returns "7.20"

Itoa 整數轉成字串

Returns the convention of an Integer into a string . eg:

(itoa 25) returns "25"

Atoi 字串轉成整數值

Returns the convention of a string into an Integer . eg:

(itoi "25") returns 25
