運動是最好的休閒活動 。 它不但可以減輕心理壓力,還可以消除疲勞 。對於肥胖的人,規律的運動可以達到減肥的功效。有些人之所以會得慢性病,除了吃太多糖ˋ鹽ˋ油膩的食物外,就是不運動。然而,都市人因生活忙碌以及找不到適當的場所,只能到健身房健身,便逐漸與大自然遠離了。
Exercise is the best leisure activity. It not only can reduce our stress but also can relieve our tiredness. For overweight people, regular exercise can reach the result of losing weight. Some of people suffer from a chronic disease because of consuming too much salt, sugar, and greasy food. Another reason is that they do not exercise. However, people in the city are busy and difficult to find a proper place to exercise. They only take exercise at the gym. They are far away from nature little by little.