"The Happiness Cure" - CNN 特別報導"快樂療法"的資訊網頁(英文內容) http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2006/happiness/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loma Linda大學醫學院新聞 Loma Linda University School of Medicine news March 11, 1999 http://www.llu.edu/news/today/mar99/sm.htm 文章摘要: Drs. Berk and Tan have conducted controlled scientific experiments that have proven those early results. * They found first of all that laughter increases the immune system's activity. Here's how it works: Lee S. Berk醫師和Stanley Tan醫師發現, 笑可以增加身體的免疫系統的活動, 其運作如下: * Natural killer cells (the cells that attack virus and tumor cells) increase in number and activity. 笑會使抗殺病菌和腫瘤細胞的天然殺傷細胞(NK cell)的數量和活耀性增加. * More T cells (which wait to be told to do something) are activated than normal. 笑會使更大量的T-細胞功能被啟動. * The antibody immunoglobulin A (which protects the upper respiratory tract) increases. 笑會使維護上呼吸道的抗體(antibody)免疫球蛋白 A(immunoglobulin A)數量增加. * Gamma interferon increases. This cytokine tells different components of the immune system to turn on. 笑會使負責指揮免疫系統不同成分啟動的cytokine(細胞素)的INF-r干擾素-r(interferon-gamma)增加. * Immunoglobulin G (the immunoglobulin produced in the greatest quantity) and Complement 3 (which helps antibodies pierce dysfunctional or infected cells) increase both during laughter and the next day. 笑(不僅當下甚至持續至隔天)會使生產數量最多的免疫球蛋白G (immunoglobulin G)以及輔助抗體刺穿失能和受感染的細胞的補體3 (Complement 3)增加. The research also showed that in general, stress hormones--which actually constrict blood vessels and suppress immune activity--decrease in the body as a result of laughter. 研究顯示一般而言, 會導致血管收縮和降低免疫能力的壓力荷爾蒙, 會因為笑而使其數量降低. "After all, as stated in Proverbs 17:22, ‘A merry heart is like a good medicine,'" says Dr. Berk( 研究者Dr. Berk引述聖經:快樂的心如良藥 ). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 紐約時報 NY Times 文章 - A Universal Language By NATALIE ANGIER Published: February 27, 1996 http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A05EFDC1139F934A15751C0A960958260&scp=1&sq=Dr.+Berk+Laughter&st=nyt "LAUGH...Babies begin laughing at the age of 2 or 3 months, said Dr. William F. Fry of the Stanford University School of Medicine, just when the parents are getting fed up with all the fussing. (嬰兒)從2到3個月大, 就當父母生產的喜悅因為嬰兒帶來的各種麻煩而開始要轉為煩惱時, 嬰兒就開始會笑了( 哈哈! ), 根據史丹福大學醫學院的 William F. Fry醫師. The rate of laughter picks up steadily for the next several years, until around the age of 6 or so, when the average child laughs 300 times a day. 然後, 嬰兒從那時候起的再來好幾年, 笑的頻率會持續增加, 一直到大約六歲左右, 達到平均孩童笑的最高頻率點, 大約每天300次. After that, social training and the desire to blend in with one's peers conspire to damp liberal laughter..." 在那之後, 因為社會環境的教學效應以及融合同輩的欲望, 一切因素促成自由笑出的行為被抑制. "...Dr. Lee S. Berk of the Loma Linda School of Public Health in California has also discovered...that an hour spent laughing lowers levels of stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine. At the same time, the immune system appears to grow stronger, the body's T cells, natural killer cells and antibodies all showing signs of heightened activity..." 美國加州的Loma Linda大學公共衛生學院的Lee S. Berk醫師發現, 每笑一個小時就可降低壓力荷爾蒙, 像可體松荷爾蒙(cortisol)和腎上腺素(epinephrine)的分泌, 同時抵抗力也似乎能力增強, 且體內的T-細胞, 天然殺傷細胞(NK cell)以及抗體都顯示更活耀的活動力. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rx Laughter (有列出有關笑的健身研究的歷史) July 14, 1999 By: Michael H. Joseph, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor, Pediatrics, UCLA Pediatric Pain Program 筆者: Michael H. Joseph醫師, UCLA小兒科疼痛計畫的病理助教 http://www.rxlaughter.org/letter.htm "... We often hear the old adage that "laughter is the best medicine. In 1979, Dr. Norman Cousins decided to test this idea..Dr. Cousins then spent the rest of his life investigating the role of positive emotions and health, eventually working at the UCLA School of Medicine and establishing the Humor Research Task Force... In 1985, it was found by Dillon and Baker that viewing a humorous video boosted the level of an immune system protein called salivary immunoglobulin A in subjects' bodies. 1985年, Dillon 和 Baker 發現, 當接受實驗者觀看幽默的錄影帶時, 這提升了接受實驗者體內的一種叫做唾液免疫球蛋白A (salivary immunoglobulin A; sIgA)的免疫系統蛋白質. The effect of humor was found to be greatest in people who strongly appreciated and used humor (Lefcourt et al, 1990). 幽默的益處被發現在極度欣賞幽默和時常使用幽默的人身上效果最大. These findings were interesting because salivary immunoglobulin is one of our bodies' first-line defenses against the potentially harmful infections to which we expose ourselves with every breath. 這些實驗很有趣, 因為做唾液免疫球蛋白A (salivary immunoglobulin A; sIgA)是身體對於我們每一口呼吸都會接觸到的潛在有害的感染的第一線防護. In 1989, L. Berk showed that laughter may lower stress hormone levels and increases the numbers of immune defense cells in the blood... 1989年, L. Berk醫師的研究顯示, 笑可降低壓力荷爾蒙的程度, 以及增加血液內免疫防護細胞的數量. In 1994, another research group led by H.M. Lefcourt found that activity of certain immune cells known as "natural killer" cells can be increased by laughter. 1994年, 另一個研究團隊, 在H.M. Lefcourt的領導下, 發現某些亦稱天然殺傷細胞(NK cell)的特定的免疫細胞的活動性可因為笑而被增加. In a 1995 study by L. Cohen, children receiving immunizations displayed less distress when they were coached to focus on watching an animated feature of their choice. Even the nurses and parents of theese children reported feeling less stress during the procedures. 1995年, 由L. Cohen執行的研究顯示, 孩童接受疫苗時, 當被引導專注在他們自選的卡通影片時, 所顯示的痛苦程度會降低. 甚至這些孩童的護士以及父母也表示在過程中感受到較低的壓力. However, other studies have challenged some of the results we mentioned above. For example, a 1997 study by T. Kamei et al found that NK cell activity actually decreased after subjects watched a comedy video - thus contradicting Berk's results. 但是, 也有其他研究挑戰了上述的研究發現, 例如, 一項1997年由 T. Kamei et al 執行的研究發現, 當揪受實驗者在觀賞了一片幽默的影片後, 天然殺傷細胞(NK cell)的活動卻是降低了. Kamei also found that neither stress nor viewing a comedy video made any changes in immune cell numbers. Unfortunately, this study used a small number of subjects and therefore the validity of the results is suspect. Kamei也發現, 壓力或觀賞幽默影片, 都對於免疫細胞數量沒有影響(沒有改變). 遺憾的是, 這項研究的接受實驗者人數很小, 因此這項研究的有效性(正確性)受到質疑. in the end, we would like to know about humor's OVERALL effects on human health, not just its effects on isolated systems. 終究, 我們期望透過研究進一步了解, 幽默對於人體健康的的整體效應, 而不是只有它對於某個特定系統的影響而已. Even though we know that humor may cause increased in immune system proteins and cells in the body, we still need to find out whether or not such changes are actually translated into better overall health for people. For instance, how might humor affect duration and quality of sleep? How might it modulate anxiety or depression? How might it affect disease outcome? 雖然我們知道幽默可以增加免疫系統的蛋白質和細胞數量, 我們仍然需要探索這些改變是否能確切的轉化成更佳的整體健康. 例如, 幽默將對於我們的睡眠的長度和品質有何影響? 它可如何調制焦慮或憂鬱? 它對於疾病的發展有何影響? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2005年文章有關美國德州A&M大學的心理學醫師David H. Rosen和同事Alexander P. Vilaythong 和 Randolph C. Arnau 和 Nathan Mascaro 共同研究200位18歲到42歲的接受實驗者, 結果顯示幽默(笑)可提升人的樂觀程度, 對事件較有希望感, 有助抗壓, 維持整體健康的感覺和對人生的希望. Humor Can Increase Hope, Research Shows Science Daily Feb. 10, 2005 http://www.laughsrus.com/science "...The experience of humor can positively influence a person's state of hopefulness, says Texas A&M psychologist David H. Rosen who, along with colleagues Alexander P. Vilaythong, Randolph C. Arnau and Nathan Mascaro, studied nearly 200 subjects ranging in age from 18-42..." select participants viewed a 15-minute comedy video. Those that viewed the video had statistically significant increases in their scores for hopefulness after watching it as compared with those that did not view the video, Rosen notes. The finding, he says, is important because it underscores how humor can be a legitimate strategy for relieving stress and maintaining a general sense of well-being while increasing a person's hope. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2003年文章有關一項在美國印第安那州大學Sycamore護理中心執行的實驗 顯示笑可降壓和改良Natural Killer細胞的活動, 天然殺傷細胞(NK cell)活動程度是跟愛滋病患者和癌症患者的疾病抵抗力與死亡率有關。 The effect of mirthful laughter on stress and natural killer cell activity. 2003 Mar-Apr;9(2):38-45. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12652882?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_Discovery_RA "...A recent survey of rural Midwestern cancer patients revealed that humor was one of the most frequently used complementary therapies. 一項最近針對中西部癌症患者所做的調查透露, 幽默是最常被使用的輔助療法之一. Psychoneuroimmunology research suggests that, in addition to its established psychological benefits, humor may have physiological effects on immune functioning. 心理神經免疫學(psychoneuroimmunology)研究提議, 除了已被建立的心理(精神)益處之外, 幽默對於免疫功能可能也有生理上的益處. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of laughter on self-reported stress and natural killer cell activity. 研究目標: 判決笑對於自述的壓力以及天然殺傷細胞(NK cell)活動的影響. SETTING: Indiana State University Sycamore Nursing Center, which is a nurse-managed community health clinic in a mid-sized, Midwestern city. 研究場合: 印第安那大學Sycamore護理中心, 這是一個由護士管理的中等規模的社區健康診所, 位於一個中西部城市. PARTICIPANTS: 33 healthy adult women. 接受實驗者: 33位健康成人婦女. INTERVENTION: Experimental subjects viewed a humorous video while subjects in the distraction control group viewed a tourism video. 介入動作: 接受實驗者觀賞了一部幽默影片, 而另一群將用來做比較的接受實驗者關賞了一部觀光的影片. CONCLUSION: Laughter may reduce stress and improve NK cell activity. As low NK cell activity is linked to decreased disease resistance and increased morbidity in persons with cancer and HIV disease, laughter may be a useful cognitive-behavioral intervention. 結論: 笑可以降低壓力和改善天然殺傷細胞(NK cell)活動. 低程度的天然殺傷細胞(NK cell)活動是被認為與愛滋病患者和癌症患者之疾病抵抗力降低以及死亡率增加有關. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 對糖尿病(降血糖指數)也有幫助! Diabetes Care 26:1651-1652, 2003 Laughter Lowered the Increase in Postprandial Blood Glucose http://care.diabetesjournals.org/cgi/content/full/26/5/1651 A 2-day experiment was performed in 19 patients with type 2 diabetes not receiving insulin therapy and 5 healthy subjects. 針對19位患有第二類糖尿病但並沒有在接受胰島素治療的患者, 以及5位身體健康的對象, 執行一項長達2天的實驗. In conclusion, the present study elucidates the inhibitory effect of laughter on the increase in PPBG and suggests the importance of daily opportunities for laughter in patients with diabetes. 結論是, 此實驗闡明笑對於糖尿病孕婦血糖過高(PPBG)之增加的抑制效應, 其結果提議笑對於糖尿病患者每天能有笑的機會的重要性. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 另外, 以下是Loma Linda大學Lee S. Berk醫師和Stanley Tan醫師和其他同事所發表的研究報告(英文)2001年發表: MODULATION OF NEUROIMMUNE PARAMETERS DURING THE EUSTRESS OF HUMOR-ASSOCIATED MIRTHFUL LAUGHTER (在與幽默有關的歡樂之笑下產生良性壓力的過程中, 神經/免疫系統參數的調節) By Lee S. Berk, MPH, DrPH, David L. Felten, MD, PhD, Stanley A Tan, MD, PhD, Barry B. Bittman, MD, and James Westengard, BS Original http://www.worldlaughtertour.com/pdfs/Lee%20Berk-%20Alt-Ther%20Vol%207-2.pdf