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1.  人生若能被人需要,能擁有一分功能為人付出,就是最幸福的人生。 Being needed by others , and having the ability , to serve, is what makes our life , truly blessed. window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot('/22590772197/pc_textbottom', [1, 1], 'div-gpt-ad-1639353180888-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); googletag.enableServices(); }); googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1639353180888-0'); });

2.  口說好話,心想好意,身行好事,腳走好路。 Speak good words, have good thoughts, do good deed, and walk the right path.

3.  做人要做到三不靠:一不靠權利,二不靠地位,三不靠金錢。 We should not hold on to three kinds of dependencies:first, do not depend on power. Second, do not depend on status. And third, do not depend on money.

4.  知足之人,心量開闊;心量開闊,對人對事就不會計較。 One who is content is immensely broad-hearted. A broad-hearted person will not be in dispute with others over any matter.

5.  能夠付出,能助人、救人,最是快樂。 Being able to give, to help others, and to save others... this is the greatest happiness.

6.  人生因為有責任而踏實,逃避責任就是虛度人生。 Life becomes meaningful when we shoulder responsibilities. Avoiding responsibilities makes our life empty.

7.  以愛待人、以慈對人,則不惹人怨,亦能結好緣。 When we treat others with loving-kindness, we will not stir up ill feeling. And we will be able to form good relationships with others.

8.  心如鏡。雖外在景物不斷轉變,鏡頭卻不會轉動,此既境轉而心不轉。 The mind is like a mirror: even though the images reflected are constantly changing, the surface of the mirror never changes. The environment changes, but the mind never changes.

9.  心要像明月一樣,有水就有月;心要像天空一樣,雲開見青天。 The mind should be like a clear moon: where there is water,there is the moon, reflected. The mind should be like the sky: when the clouds part, there is a clear sky.

10. 要平安,得先心安;要心安,須先得理;理得心安,即闔家平安。 To live in peace, we must have inner peace. To have inner peace, we must have a clear conscience. When our conscience is clear and our mind at peace, we bring peace and bliss to those around us.

11. 恆順眾生亦不失原則,就是智慧的顯現。 To be agreeable without compromising our principle is a sign of wisdom.

12. 多一分對他人的疑慮,就少一分對自己的信心。 The more mistrust we feel,the less confidence we have.

13. 普天下沒有我不愛的人,普天下沒有我不信任的人,普天下沒有我不原諒的人。 Under the heavens, there is no one I do not love, no one I do not trust, and no one I do not forgive.

14. 以愛待人、以慈對人,則不惹人怨,亦能結好緣。 When we treat others with loving-kindness, we will not stir up ill feeling. And we will be able to form good relationships with others.

15. 每天都是我生命中的一張白紙,每一個人、每一件事都是一篇生動的文章。 Every day in my life is like a blank sheet of paper, and every person and every event are all vividly inscribed essays.
