我目前人在菩提迦耶 , 一切都很順心。
之前我步行了八天 , 回到我的故鄉努日,旅程中 也 看到許多聖地 , 那是一個美
好的旅程 。
我將為大家祈福,包括所有的弟子 、 朋友和每一個人。
祈願大家都有一個美好的新年, 一切都順心如意。 在新的一年裡,不僅在物質
Hello, this is Mingyur Rinpoche.
Happy New Year!
I am now in Bodhgaya, everything went very well.
I went to my home town, walked for 8 days.
That was wonderful.
I saw lots of Holly places.
And I pray for all of you, all of my students, all of my friends and for everybody.
Wish you have a good new year and good success.
In this new year, not just material, even your spiritual,
Both so success according to material and spiritual.
Thank you,bye bye.
And during my retreat, I will keep everyone in my mind and continue pray for my retreat.