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曲名: Wonderful Tonight 今晚真美
演唱: Eric Clapton 艾瑞克萊普頓
It's late in the evening 在傍晚時分
She's wondering what close to wear 她心想:該穿哪件衣服好呢?
She puts on her make up 她略施脂粉
And brushes her long blond hair 梳了梳金色的長髮
And than she ask me: "Do I look allright?" 然後她問我:「我看起來如何?」
And I say: "yes, you look wonderful tonight" 我回話說著:「你今晚看起來真美!」
Go to a party, 到了宴會場合
Everyone turns to see 每個人都轉過頭來
This beautiful lady 盯著這位美女
is walking around with me 走在我身旁
And than she ask me: "Do you feel allright?" 然後,她問我:「你覺得還好嗎?」
and I say: "yes, I feel wonderful tonight" 我回應說:「是的,今晚我覺得好極了!」
I feel wonderful 我感覺很好
because I see the love 是因為我看到了
lighting in your eyes 妳眼裡愛的光芒
And the wonder of it all 而且最棒的
Is that you just don't realize 是妳並不了解
How much I love you 我有多麼地愛你